Saturday, April 17, 2010

In a word: Disappointed

We were having a baby this weekend. We were. We were all ready! Room was ready, carseat in car, family was all prepped. We were set to induce yesterday morning at 7:15. Rob and I go to the hospital and are taken in. At around 8:30-9ish they start the Pitocin drip. I am strapped to the bed by a bunch of monitors. I was so happy! So excited! Overjoyed to be having my son after months of anticipation. It didn't matter that it took the nurse a hundred tries to get the IV in. I was having a baby!

Well, just our luck, things didn't go as planned. I was on the Pitocin drip for 8 hours, my contractions got to 3 minutes apart, but were not intense, more like a very slight cramp. They turned it up to the max dose and I was on the max for about 2 hours with no change. The dr. came in around 8 PM and gave us 2 options. We could go home and wait it out or we could try a different drug to jump start labor. That was one of the most difficult decisions we've made. I was having a baby! I could not control my emotions. I start crying. Rob was utterly lost and had no idea what to do. In the end, we decided not to force Mother Nature's hand any more. It was evident that Jack was not ready to be born. So, we chose to come home. I have another appointment on Monday and we'll go from there...

I'm really just very upset at not having brought home a baby. I was prepared! He'll come soon enough I guess, but it's a really hard pill to swallow right now. What good came out of it was the realization of how amazing all of my family is. The support and help they offered yesterday was overwhelming. I am so happy to have such a great support system and Jack is very lucky to be being born (some day) into such a caring family.

PS...I wish people would stop saying "Everything happens for a reason." or "He'll come in his own time." or "It just wasn't the right time." or "I know you are disappointed." Just stop talking! End of rant.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Finished Product

Here we have Jack's officially finished (yet somewhat cluttered) room. The bassinet, carseat and swing will not be in there once he's born, but for right now that's where they live. I am 35 weeks and 3 days pregnant and am hating nights. I feel fine during the day, but am severely lacking in the sleep area. Also, my feet are as large as cinderblocks! We are so excited for Jack's impending arrival!

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Monday, March 1, 2010


Yesterday was our shower. We are so lucky to have such great family and friends. Jack is all set! He made out like a bandit on this event! Here are some pictures from the day. I am 32 weeks and 2 days in these pictures. Time's flying:)

Here TJ had gotten a very special gift for Jack. It's a "baby." TJ has had one of these since he was born. He still sleeps with it every night! So cute.

Ally and Abby having a great old time playing with each other!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Here's Jack's room as of February 3, 2010. Also, I'll be 29 weeks tomorrow! I can feel the baby moving like crazy. He's going to be a Hein soccer player after all!



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Saturday, January 23, 2010


I went for a follow up ultrasound yesterday and the tech said that everything looks great. Jack is growing by leaps and bounds. His heart rate is 146. He weighs approximately 2 pounds 8 ounces. He's still a boy! And, his second toe is longer than his first toe. Amazing what they can tell from the outside. As soon as I get the scanner hooked up, I'll post pictures!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jack's Room

Here's the progress so far:

Friday, January 15, 2010


With approval from Aunt Kim, we bought Jack's crib today! So exciting!